Onward to a Higher Self

Onward to a Higher Self

The entrance leads to the marble steps. The whiteness of the steps is in stark contrast to the red hue set by the sandstone pathway. The steps play a major role in setting the theme to what one should expect from what lies ahead. The stairs are adorned with versus and shlokas from ancient scriptures on several religions and words and thoughts of gurus the world over. Sayings such as, “Perfection does not come from only belief and faith, it comes through performance of action without any aspirations
(Karmayoga),” by Swami Vivekananda makes one reflect even as you walk up to the impressive structure that beckons you. Also thought provoking words such as,“It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk with you but no one can walk for you,” by Lord Gautam Buddha nudges one to mull over one ’s purpose and direction in life. These thoughts uplift the soul to match the divinity that is housed within the architecture.

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